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SF Comic Con this Weekend!?!?

San Francisco Comic Con is this weekend! And I am woefully unprepared. I was hoping that my Guardians of the Galaxy Cosplay group would be going, but it's hard to get five people's schedules to agree with each other.

Anyway, here is what is currently gong on with the cosplays!


My good friend Cameron has agreed to be Groot! This was fortunate for me, because he is basically the only tall person that I know and you can't really have a tiny Groot.

I also chose Cameron because he is a sweetheart, I think that he will portray Groot's softer side very well, and I have built little cutesie things into this costume to help bring out that softer side. I bought a butt load of small floral pieces on sale at my local craft store for Groot to give to small children and have planned for spores/lighting in the final costume.

Here, Cameron is modeling my super quick plate pattern. Groot is comprised of a combination of plates of bark and roots. Most of this roots/planks are modeled roughly on human muscling patterns, so it was easier than I expected to figure out the best shapes.

I drew these patterns out on card stock and then transferred them to EVA Foam. The foam is then patterned/ textured with a soldering iron and a dremel.

Groot's Mask was cut out of EVA Foam and textured with a dremel and soldering iron and then I heat shaped the foam with a heat gun. The heat gun also helps seal the foam for painting, and opens up some of the smaller cuts and grooves.

Rocket Raccoon!

I am actually playing Rocket myself. I am having a lot of fun putting this cosplay together primarily because I usually don't make such revealing cosplays for myself, but I've been losing some weight lately and have gotten a little more confident.

Anyway, my rocket is genderbent and I did a lot of research before jumping into the process of making it. All of my cosplay research, ( and quite a few recipes ) are on my pinterest board, and I'll link it down at the bottom in case anyone needs a place to start.

I started with storage, as I always do I honestly think this is one of the most essential parts of any cosplay, and the best place to start your planning. The worst thing is getting to a con, especially if you do not have a handler, and not having anywhere to store your keys/wallet/phone/etc. I try to always build in a backpack.

So my Rocket Cosplay is centered around Rocket having a backpack of sorts. It took awhile to get the straps to be as stable as I wanted them.

Can you tell how tired I am? This was a long process, I went through a few different strap types, and finally settled on EVA foam. I sewed them to the straps of my go to cosplay pack ($2.50) at Walmart and they come in all sorts of colors. and then used Barge to attatch the under side of the foam to the back pack strap.

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